Our Programs

Here is all the info on ages, scheduling and tuition!


6 to 12


Read on to see everything your child will be learning

Tuesday Weekly Session:

1:45 to 3:15: Free Play: Anything goes. Kids can play hide and seek, ping pong or basketball in the outdoor space, or just munch on pizza and veggies with friends.

3:15 to 4: 00: Tefillah: Prayer time will focus on learning and singing foundational prayers such as the Shema, Ashrei, and other songs fostering a joyous and positive Jewish connection.

4:00 to 4: 45: Hebrew: Students will be grouped by levels for focused instruction on the alef-bet, reading, and conversational Hebrew vocabulary.

4:45 to 5:00: Break

5:00- 5:45: Jewish Life Judaica Learning: Age-appropriate groups will engage in learning about holiday observance, Parshat HaShavua (weekly Torah portion), foundational Jewish texts, Jewish history, and Jewish values.

5:45- 6:00: Break or Pick Up

6:00- 6:45: Optional Conversational Hebrew: Over a pasta and vegetable dinner, students will learn basic Hebrew words and phrases from native Hebrew speakers.

Shabbat Gatherings:

Singing Circle: As a group, we begin with a collective conversation icebreaker reflecting on our week and its connection to the weekly Torah portion. We will then transition into learning a Hebrew melody.

5:00-Havdalah Free Play: Run around, laugh with friends, let out some good, Shabbat energy. Kids are welcome to stay until after the Havadalah service to signal the end of Shabbat.

Tuition Information

The NHS school year goes from the end of August to the last week of May, providing 9 months of quality Jewish culture and education! At the NHS, we take community building and Jewish education seriously. We hire the best teachers who we meet with weekly to reflect on how our kids and school are doing and what we can do to improve. We consider the needs of every child and prioritize a small teacher to student ratio. This is not a one-size-fits-all Bar Mitzvah Factory! At the NHS, you can be confidant that your child will receive a tailor-made, Jewish education focused on their individual needs and strengths. Plus a lot of fun: )

One child:

$400 per month ($3600/year) or $3200 if paid in full for the whole year (saving $400!)

Two children:

$300 each($5400/year) or $4900 for two kids if paid in full for the entire year (saving $500!)

More than two children:

Contact us for special rates!

Scholarships available

We are a nonprofit that relies on tuition to fund our amazing teachers and program. At the same time, we understand that finances can be tight. We don’t want that to keep you from coming. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you need financial assistance!

Tuition is charged on the fifteenth of each month, starting August 15, with the final payment April 15. This year, we will implement an automatic bill payment system.

Tuition includes:

Every Tuesday:

1:33 p.m. Pickup from Canfield (if applicable)

Pizza and snacks

1:45-3:15 Supervised Camp-Style Free Play

3:30- 4:00 Group Tefillah

4:00- 4:45 Hebrew Lessons (3 Levels) Kitah Aleph- Absolute Beginners, Kitah Bet- Beginning Readers, Kitah Gimmel- Diving deeper into Hebrew

5:00- 5:45 Jewish Life Class (Parsha, Holidays, Jewish Culture/History/Philosophy) (3 Levels- Kitah Aleph- Grades 1 and 2, Kitah Bet- Grades 3 and 4, Kitah Gimmel- Grades 5-8

Pickup at 5:45 for those not joining Conversational Hebrew

6:00- 6:45 Optional Conversational Hebrew with a side of pasta and broccoli for dinner (extra $25/week charge)

You will also receive a detailed weekly newsletter, with all the information about what your child has been learning, lot of pictures of the action, and additional insights from the teachers and staff

Tuition also includes bimonthly/monthly Shabbat gatherings at the NHS, for a few hours of relaxed fun and community building.